Taking Action Against Police Quotas

California Vehicle Code 41602 states that Police Departments are not allowed to set quotas for arrests or citations. However even today police departments are still forcing illegal arrest and citation quotas on policemen. These quotas not only sow distrust between the police and citizens, it also sows distrust among policemen themselves. We need to take action to make our government eliminate police quotas entirely. We will start at the state level in California, where we will spread information to the public about the dishonesty and unfairness associated with police quotas, and we will tell the public about how these quotas are a detriment to our society. As with all change concerning the law it will be hard to make the state enforce the law and it will take a long time, maybe five or six years. We will go on marches, demonstrations and speeches in order to bring attention to our issue. In the counties of California we will petition the city councils for further actions such as investigations on police departments to make sure that they are enforcing California’s law against police quotas. We will have to speak to the governor of California and the state legislature through our collective voice and make our government put harder provisions onto the police. California is the first step towards national abolition of police quotas in our police departments.  In time, maybe in thirty or forty years America will be a paragon of police accountability.

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